- Home
- About Us
- Ministries
- Joyfull Living: The Peace of God
- Joyful Living: Pilgrim's Progress
- Joyful Living: Who Is Jesus
- Joyful Living: Christ Our Example
- Joyful Living: Amoung Fear, Stress, and Worry
- "Tell the World" History of the Seventh day Adventist Church
- Changes By Grace
- The Rich Young Ruler
- Mark of the Anti Beast
- A Picture of Jesus
- Joyful Living: Let Go of Your Blank
- Joyful Living: Contentment
- Fiji Mission 2017
- The Most High
- Cradle to the Cross
- Lessons from bitter Waters
- Why the Sabbath?
- Putting on the Whole Armor of God
- Steps to Discipleship
- What is Your Testimony
- O Tast and See That the Lord Is Good
- How to Know the Will of God in My Life - Part 1 / 2
- How to Know the Will of God - Part 2 / 2
- At the End Time
- Let Your Speech Be Seasoned with Salt
- Loving Action and the Atmosphere of Heaven
- The Mission
- Wonderful Grace of Foot Washing
- What Kind of People We Should Be
- A Doer of the Word
- God Is Love
- Living By Faith 1
- Living By Faith 2
- Living By Faith 3
- Living By Faith 4
- Living By Faith; Walls of Jericho 5
- Living By Faith; Enoch 7
- Bless His Name
- The Meaning of the Cross
- Prince of Peace
- Wise Last Days
- Keep Praying and Keep Believing
- The World's Worst Missionary 1
- The Runaway Prophet 2
- The Runaway Prophet 3
- The Runaway Missionary 4
- The Greatest Gift
- The Runaway Missinary 5
- Christ Still Waits on the Grains
- How Will the Harvest Be Ready?
- The Harvest Is Ready - Part 1
- The Harvest Is Ready - Part 2
- Living Beyond
- Why Are We Still Here?
- Less Burdens More Rest
- Israel"s Sin
- Lovest Thou Me
- Communion Meditation
- Your Job Is a Blessing
- I Need Help
- Positive Thinking and Faith
- The One Truth - Jesus
- Money Can Not ...
- Time of Testing
- Trust in God
- Guess Who Is Going To Dinner
- Alas My Brother
- Truth About Death & Eternity
- True Fellowship
- God Loves Hilarious Giver
- Tree Crosses
- Don't Worry
- Earnestly Seeking A Walk With God
- Life of Joseph - Joseph in Prison
- Life of Joseph From the Prison to the Palace
- Life of Joseph Turning Point
- Life of Joseph A Miracle of Healing
- Life of Joseph Why Does God Allow Evil & Suffering
- Life of Joseph What Temptation
- Life of Joseph The Reason for Your Existence
- Having Done All To Stand
- Cradle to the Cross
- Kingdom Living Here & Now - Welcome Home
- Kingdom Living Here & Now - The Peacekeeper
- Kindom Living Here & Now - The Pure Heart
- Kindom Living Here & Now - More Than Forgiveness
- How to Get Started Right in 2016
- Sleepy ( ) - Sleepy Church
- Seven Churches of Revelation: Pergamos
- The Fourfold Look On the Cross
- The Genealogy of Grace
- The Standing Orders of the Gospel
- The One Truth, Jesus
- A Journey of Faith
- Is God Late?
- The Point of No Return
- Weep Like Jesus
- The Promise
- The Eyes of Your Heart
- Why Was Foot Washing Service Instituted?
- Into His Likeness
- Christmas
- The Second Coming
- Trusting in Trial
- Sacred Concert
- Changing Fiji One Life at a Time
- Fiji Mission 2017 Concert
- Three Days too Late but Just in Time
- Reaching Across the Gulf
- Decisions
- The Pattern Man
- There is Power...
- Whom We Serve
- Object of Our Praise
- Hope For the Last Days - Hope and Prayer
- Dear Jesus, Please Change Me
- Hope For the Last Days - Hope and Heaven / Hell
- Hope For the Last Days - Hope and the Sabbath
- Hope For the Last Days - Hope and Salvation
- Hope For the Last Days- Hope and Service
- Is there Faith?
- Living By Faith 6
- Forget the Former Things
- If Not Faith
- Overcoming Religious Tolerance
- Who Do You Say I Am
- Christian & Celebration of St. Valentine's Day
- Vespers, Sacred & Classical Piano Concert
- Peace Be Still !
- "The Most High"
- Pathways To Health - Lifestyle Diseases 1
- Pathways To Health - Diabetes 2
- Pathways To Health - Heart Disease & Hypertension 3
- Pathways To Health - Lessons From Exodus 4
- "Five Thousand Fed"
- "Avoiding Endtime Foolishness"
- "Why?"
- "Are You Prepared?"
- "Faith, Doubt and Unbelief"
- "The Rich Young Ruler"
- Investing in Heaven
- "Jesus, the Healer"
- "A Woman of Mega-Faith"
- "Beautiful Acts for God"
- "Time and Eternity"
- "Why Was Sin Permitted"
- "The Divine Appointment"
- "Personal Testimony: Father of the Fatherless"
- "How To Save A Thousand Souls"
- "Sacred Concert"
- "The Greatest Want"
- "VBS Testimonies & Sermonnet"
- "Three Stands of Courageous Leadership"
- "Preach the Word"
- "Free At Last"
- "Mountain Moving Meditation"
- "Jesus Wept"
- "Do We Love God?"
- "No Matter What"
- "Different Races, Similar Faces"
- "Threefold Denial of Peter"
- "Witnessing But Not Weird"
- "Three Most Important Words to Remember: Love, Acceptance, and Forgiveness"
- "Walk With God"
- "Jesus Friend of Sinners"
- "Growing As a Christian Should"
- "Christ Our Righteousness" Part 1 Week of Prayer 2018
- "Christ Our Righteousness" Part 2 Week of Prayer 2018
- "Christ Our Righteousness" Part 3 Week of Prayer 2018
- "Christ Our Righteousness" Part 4 Week of Prayer 2018
- "Christ Our Righteousness" Part 5 Week of Prayer 2018
- "Christ Our Righteousness" Part 6 Week of Prayer 2018
- "Christ Our Righteousness" Part 7 Week of Prayer 2018
- "Christ Our Righteousness" Part 8 Week of Prayer 2018
- "Assurance of Salvation"
- "The Unforgiving Servant"
- "Solution for Self Deception"
- "Songs From Heart"
- "Workers in the Vineyard"
- "The Art of Giving Thanks"
- "I Saw Also the Lord"
- "Being Leftover People"
- "The Test of Faith"
- "The Incomparable Life"
- "What Is the Big Deal About Christmas?"
- "Why Was the Foot-Washing Service Instituted?"
- "Till Shiloh Come"
- "Be a Blessing"
- "He Supplies What He Demands"
- "Christians and Valentine's Day"
- "Changed by a Password"
- "Of Lawyers and Witnesses"
- "Spiritual Hypocrisy"
- "To Judge or Not to Judge"
- Healthy By Design - NUTRITION Part 1 - Night 1
- Healthy By Design - "NUTRITION Part 2" - Night 2
- Healthy By Design - "EXERCISE & WATER" - Night 3
- Healthy By Design - "SUNSHINE & TEMPERANCE" - Night 4
- "Wilt Thou Be Made Whole?"
- HEALTHY BY DESIGN - "TRUST and Q&A" - Night 6
- "HEALTHY BY DESIGN - Putting It All Together Part 1" - Night 7
- HEALTHY BY DESIGN - "Putting It All Together Part 2" - Night 8
- "Mighty Stand for God"
- "Our Refuge"
- "The Church Triumphant"
- "Believe in the Lord, Jesus Christ"
- "God Knows"
- " Where Is God When I Need Him?"
- "Mother’s Day"
- "The Holy Spirit Will Change Your Life!"
- "Spiritual Roller Coaster Journey"
- "What Money Can Not Do"
- "Persevering Through Trials"
- "Shine Like Gold"
- "We Are the Body" Seb. Mini Camp Meeting 2019
- "Wisdom, Knowledge and Faith"
- "Truth About Trials and Temptations"
- "More Listening, Less Taking, and Righteousness of God"
- "A Member Returns to the Family of God"
- "Back to the Basics"
- "Listening Versus Doing"
- "How Much Longer!"
- "What Shall I Render to the Lord for All His Benefits Toward Me?"
- "Three Signs of True Religion"
- "The Strange Case of Demons and Your Faith"
- "The Lord's Supper"
- 1.) "Your Spiritual Gift and the Holy Spirit"
- 2.) "Spiritual Gifts - Session 1 & 2"
- 3.) "7 Reasons Why Every Christian Should Know His / her Spiritual Gift"
- 4.) "Spiritual Gifts Session 3 & Test"
- "Gospel of Second Chances"
- "Four Keys to Beautiful Life "
- "Six Ways to Supercharge Your Life"
- 1. Brain Health Seminar - "Brain Bias, Belief, Bullying, and Bigotry"
- 2. Brain Health Seminar - "How To Build Better Behaviors"
- 3. Brain Health Seminar - "Prayer Changes your Brain"
- 4. Brain Health Seminar "How Science and Scripture Align" Sermon
- "Repairing the Altar of the Lord"
- "What Is Your Life"
- "Seal for Freshness"
- "Thoughts on Thankfulness"
- "Jesus Is His Name"
- "Wait Thankfully"
- "How to Increase Your Integrity"
- "God's Search-and-Rescue Team"
- "We Have Seen His Star"
- "How To Get Started Right in 2020"
- "Why The Attack On Religious Freedom?"
- "Experience of Salvation"
- "Waiting Productively For Jesus"
- "Christian Race"
- "The King's Testimony"
- "Healing Hurts From The Past"
- "The Mystery of God's Love"
- "Faith in the Face of Uncertainty"
- "The Man God Forgot"
- "4 Powers of Witnessing"
- "Who Are You?"
- Jesus' Witnesses "The Law and The Profits" Part 1
- "Church In the Redwoods"
- "Could It Be?"
- "The Illogical God" - Part 1
- "Exploring God's Love" Part 2
- "The Badge of a True Discipleship" Part 3
- "Lead By the Holy Spirit"
- "United to Evangelize"
- "Jesus Witness" Part 2
- "Are You For Us Or Against Us"
- " In Common"
- "Hope For the End Times"
- "Luther's Separation From Rome"
- "The Revelation of Jesus Christ"
- "The Laodicean Church"
- "O Give Thanks Unto the Lord"
- "Armed for the Second Coming"
- "I Wander"
- "Uncomfortable Grace"
- "Sower, Seed, Soil and You"
- "Redemption Value"
- "The Jabbok Experience"
- "Alas! My Brother!!"
- "Stay Awake For the Second Coming"
- "The Riches of His Glory"
- "Last Minute Waiting"
- "The Greatest Defeat"
- "The Cyrenian"
- "Changing Places, the Holy Spirit" - Part 1
- "I Can Do All Things..."
- "The Road to Emmaus"
- "Reviving Rain, Holy Spirit," Part 2
- "A Renewed Look at the Cross and the Tomb"
- "Lying Spirits Holy Spirit" - Part 3
- "Behold, I Stand At the Door"
- "War of the Worlds"
- "Of Men and Beasts" Part 1
- "Don’t Forget the GESSO"
- "Of Men and Beasts" - Part 2
- "Burden Bearers"
- "Virtual Good News"
- "Brookside College"
- "The Well"
- "Benefits of the Shepherd"
- "Hidden Treasure of Love"
- "Who Is Worthy?"
- "The God-Shaped Brain"
- "The Lord Is My Shepard"
- "Trusting and Following"
- "David, Jacob and You"
- "Encounter With Jesus"
- "Sex Part 1"
- "It Wasn’t Easy, But It Was Worth It"
- "Sex" part 2
- "Treasures in Heaven"
- "Adventist Pioneers"
- "Who Am I?"
- "Jesus' Witnesses"
- "New World Order - Part 1"
- "New World Order - Part 1"
- "Prepare the Way for the End Time"
- "Thanks Giving"
- "I will lift Up My Eyes"
- "New World Order" Part 2
- "Incarnate Faith" Part 1
- Read: The Bible
- " A Joseph for the Second Coming "
- "Jesus’ Witnesses" Part 2
- "The Nameless Girl"
- 01-22-2022 "Lesson 4: Jesus, Our Faithful Brother" By Sis. Cherish Mendoza
- 01-22-2022 "SEEK" By Bro. Albert Hamilton
- 01-29-2022 "When It Hurts" By EPELI (ABLE) NAWAITE
- 01-29-2022 Sabbath School Lesson 5: "Jesus, the Giver of Rest" By Bro Alan Hamilton
- Sabbath School Lesson 6 "Jesus, The Faithful Priest"
- 02-05-2022 "Last Day Events" Part 1 By Daniel Yim
- 02-12-2022 "The Declaration of Hope"
- 02-12-2022 Lesson 7: "Jesus, the Anchor of the Soul" By Eld Nolan Bayen
- 2-19-2022 "Lesson 8: Jesus, the Mediator of the Covenant“ By Albert Hamilton
- 2-19-2022 "Last day Events" Part 2 A. By Pastor Daniel Yim
- 2-26-2022 "Dream!" By Albert Hamilton
- 2-26-2022 Lesson 9: "Jesus, the Perfect Sacrifice" Bro Alan Hamilton
- 3-5-2022 "Last Day Events" Part 2 B. By Pastor Daniel Yim
- 3-5-2022 Lesson 10 "Jesus Opens the Way Through the Veil" By Eld. Nolan Bayen
- 3-12-2022 "Your Conversation with Jesus" By Eld Abel Nawaite
- 3-19-2022 "Last Day Events" Part 3 A By Daniel Yim
- 3-26-2022 "Abiding in Christ"
- 4-2-2022 "Jesus in the Crisis" By Eld. Abel Nawaite
- 4-9-2022 "The Patient Saint" By Bro Bill Jarrett
- 4-16-2022 "Vitally Connected" By Pastor Daniel Yim
- 4-23-2022 "The Cross Makes a New You" By Marty Robbins
- 4-30-2022 Jesus and the Tempest By Franck Flores
- 5-7-2022 "Separation Anxiety" By Pastor Daniel Yim
- 5-14-2022 "Incarnate Faith" Part 2: "Victory in Faith " By Eld Bill Jarrett
- 5-28-2022 Bro Albert Hamilton "The Power of Prayer"
- "Last Day Events" Part 4
- 6-4-2022 "God’s Tent" Part 1 Pastor Daniel Yim
- 6-11-2022 - Eld Abel Nawaite - "Can I Be Useful TO God?"
- 6 -18-2022 Pa Daniel Yim Sanctuary Part 2: "Day of Atonement"
- 6-25-2022 - Bro Martin Robbins - "Why Are We Here?"
- 7-2-2022 - Pa Daniel Yim - Sanctuary Part 3: "Our Advocate"
- 7-9-2022 By Bro Martin Robbins - "Perseverance of Love"
- 7-30-2022 - Bro Martin Robbins - "Building or Rebuilding a Relationship with Jesus"
- 7-16-2022 "The Greatest Thief" By Pastor Daniel Yim
- 7-23-2022 "Understanding Useful Labor" Eld. Riz Apelo
- 8-6-2022 - By Pa. Daniel Yim - "The Church in the Wilderness: Apostolic Origins" Part 1
- 8-13-2022 "God Speaks" By Pa Mike Wilson
- 8-20-2022 - By Pastor Daniel Yim - "Church in the Wilderness" Part 2
- 8-27-2022 - By Eld. Bill Jarrett - "Faith in Discouragement" Part 3
- 9-03-2022 - Sermon Through Music By Stephanie Dawn and Dann Thornton from Dawn of Hope Ministeries.
- 9-10-2022 - By Bro Franck Flores - "Those Who Sleep in Jesus"
- 9-17-2022 - By Pastor Daniel Yim - Church in the Wilderness Part 3: "Church in Asia"
- 9-24-2022 - By Bro Martin Robbins - "The Four S’s of Victorious Christian Living"
- 10-01-2022 - By Daniel Yim - Adventist History Part 1: "Mavericks of the West"
- 10-08-2022 - Bro Martin Robbins "Friends & Associates- Influencers"
- 10-15-2022 - By Pastor Daniel Yim - Adventist History Part 2: "Growth Spurts"
- 10-22-2022 - By Pastor Mike Wilson - "Is Worship Experiencing God or Just Talking About Him?"
- 10-29-2022 - "Satisfied" Pastor Ernie West
- 11-05-2022 - "Racing to…" - Mr. Steven Vandevere
- 11-12-2022 - "The 4 R’s of Withstanding the Heat" - By Bro Martin Robbins
- 11-19-2022 - "Thanksgiving to Jesus" - By Bro Franck Flores
- 11-26-2022 - By Eld Abel Nawaite - "Battles and Promises"
- 12-03-2022 - "Reactions" By Pastor Daniel Yim
- 12-10-2022 - "A Star is Born" By Eld Bill Jarrett
- 12-17-2022 "The Gift of God" By Pastor Daniel Yim
- 12-24-2022 - "Preparing for the Second Coming Like Shepherds" - By Bro Martin Robbins
- 12-31-2022 - "A New Year to Know More About Jesus" - By Bro Franck Flores
- 01-07-2023 "Who Are You?" Part 1- By Pastor Daniel Yim
- Audio MP3 - 01-21-2023 - "Who Are You? Part 2 "Servant Leadership" By Pastor Daniel Yim
- 01-28-2023 "To Serve or Be Serve" By Dr Floyd Hayes
- 02-04-2023 - "Excluded But Not Forgotten" By Dr Rudy Peters
- 02-11-2023 - "Tell Me About God" - Bro Martin Robbins
- 02-18-202 "In the Time of the Judges: Ruth" By Pastor Daniel Yim
- 02-25-2023 - "Incarnate Faith - Faith, and Faith Alone" Part 4 By Elder Bill Jarrett
- 03-04-2023 - By Sebastopol Church Family - "Testimonials"
- 03-11-2023 - "God Loves You Immensely" - By Pastor Mike Wilson
- 03-18-2023 - "Another View of the Cross" - By Bro Martin Robbins
- 03-25-2023 - "Do You Know The Time?" - By Bro. Amani Roki
- 04-01-2023 - "Nevertheless" - By Ernst Louis-Jacques
- 04-08-2023 - "We All Have A Garden To Go Through" - By Bro. Anthony Cunningham
- Communion Sabbath - 04-15-2023 - "Washed & Delivered" - By Martin Robbins
- 04-22-2023 - "It Is Not My Time" - By Bro Alvin Hamilton
- 04-29-2023 - "The Armor of God" - By Ernst Louis-Jacques
- 05-06-2023 - "Inheritance" - By Brandon Verzosa
- 05-13-2023 - "A Motherly Influence" - By Marty Robbins
- 05-20-2023 - "Hagios, Hagios" By Bill Jarrett
- 05-27-2023 - "GOD'S LAW Immutable" - By Bro. Albert Hamilton
- 06-10-2023 - "Dorcus" - By Professor Tuwan Ussery
- 06-17-2023 - Sermon - "The End Time Elijah Parallels" - By Robert Ross
- 06-17-2023 - In Loving Memory of Phyllis Beverly Gray - November 10, 1933- May 17, 2023
- 06-24-2023 - "Hello God! It's Your Friend" By Marty Robbins
- 07-01-2023 - God's Free Health Plan 2.0" Part 2 / "Wilt Thou Be Made Whole"- Sermon -By Fernell Supit
- 06-30-2023 - "God's Free Health Plan 2.0" Part 1 By Fernell & Lori Supit - Friday Night 6:30 pm.
- 07-01-2023 - "God's Free Health Plan 2.0" Part 3 -By Fernell & Lori Supit - Sabbath Afternoon 2 PM.
- 07-08-2023 - “The Cup” - Bro Anthony Cunningham
- 07-15-2023 - "Maximizing the Lord's Prayer" - By Bro Marty Robbins No sermon Stream, problem with the stream.
- 07-22-2023 - Sermon - "Prayer-Victory against the Enemy" - By Bro Marty Robbins
- 07-29-2023 - Sermon - "God's People Delivered" - By Eld. Josefa Tiko Bale
- "Run the Race to Victory"
- 08-12-2023 - “Maximizing God’s Blessing 2.0” Part 4 - By Marty Robbins
- 08-19-2023 - "Life Changing Word of God" - Sermon - By Marty Robbins
- 08-26-2023 - Sermon - “360 Deg. Grace enables A 180 Deg. Turn Around” - By Robert Ross
- 09-02-2023 - Sermon - “Getting the Most From Worship” By Marty Robbins
- 09-09-2023 - Sermon - "Quenching Your Spiritual Thirst" - By Marty Robbins
- 09-16-2023 - Sermon - "Arming Self Against the Enemy" - By Marty Robbins
- 09-23-2023 - Sermon - "Communion and Our Shema" - By Marty Robbins
- 09-30-2023- Sermon - "The Right Answer" By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 10-07-2023 - Sermon - “Ten Words That Changed the World” -By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 10-14-2023 - Sermon - “Sounds of Compromise” - By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 10-21-2023 - Sermon - “Show Me!” - By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 10-28-2023 - Sermon - “God Changes lives! - By Guest Pastors Sandi & Robert Colôn
- 11-04-2023 - Sermon - “Don’t Miss the Party!”- By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 11-11-2023 - Sermon - “What to Do Till Jesus Comes” - Pastor Ernie Furness
- 11-18-2023 - Sermon - “Living Thankfully in Tough Times” - By Pastor John Hughson
- 11-25-2023 - Sermon - 6 Points of “Muchas Gracias” By Marty Robbins
- 12-02-2023 - Sermon - “Judgement Day Surprise" - By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 12-09-2023 - “All in the Family" - By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 12-16-2023 - Sermon “Once Upon a Dream" - By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 12-23-2023 - Sermon - “In Those Days" - By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 12-30-2023 - Sermon - “The Empire Strikes Back" - By Ernie Furness
- 01-06-2024 - Sermon - “This You Ought to Do” - By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 01-13-2024 - Sermon - “It Happened One Night”- By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 01-20-2024 - Sermon - "All But Jonah Repents" - Pastor Ernie Furness
- 01-27-2024 - Sermon - "It Happened One Sabbath" - By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 02-03-2024 - Sermon - "Touching the Untouchables" - By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 02-10-2024 - Sermon - "Helping the Enemy" By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 02-17-2024 - Sermon - "Encuentros (Meetings)" By Fabio Maia
- 02-24-2024 - Sermon - "Mountaintop Surprise " - By Ernie Furness
- 03-02-2024 - Sermon - “Rest in a Restless World” By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 03-09-2023 - Sermon - “Encounter with Jesus” - By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 03-16-2024 - Sermon - "Crossroads of Salvation" - By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 03-23-2024 - Sermon - "March to Zion" By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 03-30-2024 - Sermon - "The Way of the Cross" By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 04-06-2024 - Sermon - “First Communion” - Pastor Ernie Furness
- 04-13-2024 - Sermon - “Friends, Don’t You Have Any Fish?”- By Leon Roman
- 04-20-2024 - Sermon - “Ultimate Power – Ultimate Purpose” - By Kevin Miller
- 04-27-2024 - Sermon - “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Gospel” - By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 05-04-2024 - Sermon - "The Interrupted Sermon" - By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 05-11-2024 - Sermon - “The Last Question” By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 5-18-2024 - Sermon - “Bewildered, Amazed, and Perplexed” - By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 05-25-2024 - Sermon - “Send Me, Lord” - By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 06-01-2024 - Sermon - “Sabbath Spies” - By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 06-08-2024 - Sermon - "Regime Change" By Pastor Furness
- 06-15-2024 - “Looking Beyond the Obvious” - By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 06-22-2024 Sermon - “Interrupted Miracle” - By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 06-29-2024 - Sermon - “Facing the Giant” - By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 07-06-2024 - Sermon - "Three Times Anointed" - By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 07-13-24 - Communion Sabbath - Sermon - “Family By Choice” By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 07-20-2024 Sermon - “But Now” - By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 07-27-2024 - Sermon - "Enough" - By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 08-03-2024 - Sermon - "The Day After" - By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 08-10-2024 - Sermon - "More Than Manna" - By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 08-17-2024 - "Bread of Life" - Ernie Furness
- 08-24-2024 - Sermon - “Where Else Would We Go?” By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 8-31-2024 - Sermon - "Pure Religion" - By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 09-07-2024 - Sermon - "Faith Without Love Is Dead" - By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 09-14-2024 - "Tongue Trouble" - By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 09-21-2024 - Sermon - "Tale of Two Sins" - By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 09-28-2024 - Sermon: - "Everyday Faith" - By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 10-05-2024 - Sermon - "Extraordinary God, Ordinary Mortals" - By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 10-12-2024 - Sermon -"A Hard Gospel" By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 10-26-2024 - Sermon - "Blind Man's Rebuff" By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 10-19-2024 - Sermon - "Upside Down Leadership" - By Pastor Ernie Furness
- 11-02-2024 - Sabbath School by Bernie O'Brien / Special Music - Eli & Roen Sawatzky / Sermon by Pastor Ernie Furness
- 11-09-2024 - Sabbath School - by Ron Damper / Special Music - Janice Bowen / Sermon - Pastor Ernie Furness
- 11-16-2024 - Sabbath School Lesson 7 by Brandon Verzosa / Sermon by Pastor Ernie Furness
- 11-23-2024 - SS Lesson 8 – "Fulfilling Old Testament Prophecies" / Special music by Fijian group / Sermon - "Forward, Not Backward"
- 11-30-2024 - SS Lesson 9 – “The Source of Life” - by Rob Jackson
- 11-30-24 Sermon - “Why Are We Here?” - Marty Robbins
- 12-07-2024 - Lesson 10 – “The Way, the Truth, and the Life” / Sermon "Faith in the Impossible"
- 12-14-2024 - SS Lesson 11 - "The Father, the Son, and the Spirit" / Sermon "Mary's Song"
- SS Lesson 12 - "The Hour of Glory: The Cross and Resurrection" / Sermon - “Perfect Timing”
- 12-28-2024 - Discussion of Lesson 1-13 / Lesson 13 –Epilogue: “Knowing Jesus and His Word” / Sermon - “I’ve been Waiting”
- 01-04-2025 - SS Lesson 1 "God Loves Freely" / Sermon "Seekers of Truth"
- SS Lesson 2 “Covenantal Love” / Sermon - "Once Upon a Passover"
- 01-18-2025 - SS Lesson 3 " To Be Pleasing to God" / Sermon - "The Waterpots of Cana"
- 02-08-2025 - SS Lesson 6 - “God's Love of Justice” / Sermon “Deep Waters”
- 02-15-2025 - SS Lesson 7 - “The Problem of Evil” / Sermon - "Upside Down Kingdom"
- 02-01-2025 SS Lesson 5 “The Wrath of Divine Love” /Sermon “Perilous Preaching”
- 02-22-2025 - SS Lesson 8 - “Free Will, Love, and Divine Providence” / Sermon - “Total Forgiveness”.
- 03-01-2025 - SS Lesson 9 - "The Cosmic Conflict" / Sermon - “Logs and Rocks”
- 03-08-2025 - SS Lesson 10 - "Rules of Engagement" / Sermon - “The Officer Who Cared”
- 03-15-2025 - SS Lesson 11 “What More Could I Have Done?” / Sermon - “Ultimate Power Play”.
- SS Lesson 12 - "Love and Justice: The Two Greatest Commandments" / Sermon - "The Prodigal Father".
- SS Lesson 13 - “Love Is the Fulfillment of the Law” / Sermon - “When Bad Things Happen”.
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