Please Help the AV Department collect Aluminum Cans, Plastic Bottles & Glass.
Only ones that say CA REFUND or CA CRV. No trash, other non CRV items, liquor or Wine bottles. Money will go into the AV Dept. account.
Collect along the roads, on your walks, Trash cans, Parks,
Your place, Work, Neighbors and Parties.
The totals and amount of money we have raised to date are not available.
Saturdays from 8 am 2-3 pm, the big white box by
the Community Services will be open.
During the week the box is shut.
Then you will have to put them in 1 at a time
or you can save a lot up and you can see if
Eric Ratzlaff can come and get them.
6 big bags or more. 707-321-9095.
If you would rather write a check, please make it out to
Sebastopol SDA Church and in the memo write AV Dept. recycling.
Thank you